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Advancing Integrative Care.Improving Patient Outcomes Supporting Practice Success / Most Recent / Cannabis/CannabinoidsGastrointestinal Health Balance the Endocannabinoid System to Soothe Gut Health The answer to ...
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Allergy Research Group

The Day the Coffee Doesn’t Do It…Stress-balancing Action of Adaptogens

We’ve all been there at least once. Whether it be a list of deadlines, a high-stakes presentation the next day, early morning travel, or a ...
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Probiotics, Mental and Neurological Health

A Comprehensive Summary— Probiotics, Mental and Neurological Health

This article on probiotics, mental and neurological health provides a literature review of the disease-specific probiotic strains studied in published clinical trials in humans and ...
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CBD Myth-Busting Study: High Doses of Cannabidiol Do Not Cause THC-Like Effects in Humans

Have you been hesitant to prescribe cannabidiol (CBD) because of concerns about gastric acids converting the CBD into psychoactive tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)? In 2016, a study ...
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omega-3 fatty acids

Three Study Summaries on Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Chronic Disease

Below are three peer-reviewed studies showing the benefits of Omega-3 fatty acids in addressing chronic diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, cognitive impairment, and non-alcoholic fatty liver ...
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neurobiology of stress
gut brain axis

The Neurobiology of Stress

At the 2016 Neurobiology of Stress Workshop in Newport Beach, CA, a group of experts presented the symposium The Microbiome: Development, Stress, and Disease, published ...
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sad mood
gut brain axis

Multi-species Probiotics Affect Reaction to Sad Mood

It is widely understood that the intestine and the brain are closely connected via the brain-gut axis, which is includes bidirectional communication through the neural, ...
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Attention Span

Seven-Year Meditation Study Shows Improved Attention Span into Old Age

As one ages, our attention span is often met with challenges of fatigue, attention lapses and fluctuations during prolonged sessions of concentration. Regular and intensive ...
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brain health
brain health

Webinar by Daniel T. Johnston, MD, Time to Pay Attention to Brain Health

This webinar, Brain Health & Fatty Acids: Moving Beyond Relief to Optimization, is a powerful look at how we should get patients to better understand ...
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brain health

A Study Review: What Every Clinician Needs to Know About Brain Health and Omega-3s

By Sally Lynch, from Biotics Research / Not long ago, we seemed to accept the notion that humans only use 10% of their brains, as ...
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