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Clinical Commentary: Post-Viral COVID Long-Haul Treatment Mirrors Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Therapy

This interview with Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia (CFS/FMS) researcher and board-certified internist explores the commonalities among CFS/FMS and post-viral COVID (aka Long-Haul Syndrome) and relapse symptoms seen in patients after viral infection. As described in a recent case study in Clinical Microbial and Infections, persistent symptomsRead

Acupuncture for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

ABSTRACT / Given that the etiology of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is believed to be multidimensional, interventions generally have been nonspecific and typically produce only mild to moderate effects. In medical practice, treatment for CFS remains largely symptomatic. Preliminary evidence of the efficacy of acupuncture for CFS is available, butRead


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