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The Future of Medicine from Dr. Mark Hyman

On May 7th, Functional Forum, a Today’s Practitioner media partner, is taking on the mother of all topics, The Future of Medicine. Functional Medicine and digital health are on the cutting edge of taking medicine forward, and you will hear from some incredible doctors on the leading edge of the health revolution. The featured speaker is Dr. Mark Hyman, who will talk about the following:

What are the drivers of change in medicine?
How can we work to reverse chronic disease?
What role do community and connectivity play in scaling change?

Today’s Practitioner readers can register here to attend the live event in New York or watch live streaming from the comfort of your home or office.

Food: The Vital Adjunct to Cardiovascular Care

By Elizabeth Klodas MD, FACC As a cardiac care community, we have certainly become exceptionally adroit at managing heart disease – prescribing statins, treating hypertension, and implanting stents and defibrillators. But we do all this while failing to effectively address the underlying fundamental root cause of atherosclerosis – poor nutrition.

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HealthyKitchens HealthyLives: Disruptive Wellness

“What if medical schools and schools of public health partnered with culinary and behavioral change experts to create new curricula for both health care providers and chefs? Might this novel strategy ultimately benefit both patients and the general public?” — David Eisenberg, MD at HealthyKitchens HealthyLives conference, March 14, 2014

This was the opening statement at the recent HealthyKitchens HealthyLives conference at the Culinary Institute of America (CIA) in St. Helena. Is Eisenberg an idealist or realist? Had I not seen it myself, I might have used the “i” word, with a capital I. As with any disruptive innovation, idealism is one part of the energy quotient that drives change. This conference explored the hands-on reality of how to affect lasting behavior change starting in the kitchen.


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