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Expert Round-Table on Thyroid Immune Testing, Guidelines and Clinical Impact on Women’s Health

Diagnosing and treating thyroid conditions in women is extremely important, concluded a group of practitioners in a recent round-table discussion, “Thyroid Immune Testing – Guidelines, Testing Platforms, and Clinical Impact on Women’s Health,” and published in the Journal of Women’s Health. The goal of the Expert Panel Discussion was toRead

Case Study: A Novel Approach to Thyroid and Adrenal Therapy

This case study represents a common problem for integrative-care physicians. Where do you start with a patient with multiple symptoms that may be complicated by previous drug therapies. “One of the many challenges for any physician is determining the correct course of treatment for patients with more than 1 area of complaint. Should the physician treat the symptoms or the underlying cause of a condition?,” writes Christopher Wellwood MS, DC and Sean Rardin, MD. This case study of a 49-year old patient with multiple symptoms, including a goiter, as well as hyperlipidemia; multiple joint pains; alopecia; fatigue; bilateral, lowerextremity edema; and severe gastric disruption with bloating and acid reflux. By Wellwood, Rardin, published in Integrative Medicine a Clinicians Journal, June 2014.

Integrative Solutions for Thyroid Autoimmune Disease

Autoimmune diseases are a group of disorders in which the immune system dysfunctions and attacks host tissues. Although the pathogenesis of autoimmune thyroid disease has not been elucidated, there are several factors that have been associated with the disorder. Factors include genetic predisposition, nutrient deficiencies, use of certain medications affecting thyroid function, and environmental factors including exposure to radiation, heavy metals, and chemical contaminants. Thyroid disorders are often treated with drug therapy, which often have serious side effects and do not necessarily treat the underlying condition leading to the thyroid dysfunction. In recent years there has been increased interest in herbs and supplements as individuals take more interest in their health and well being…


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