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DHEA as Support for Female Libido and Fertility

Clinical Studies Show the Usefulness of This Parent Hormone for Female Libido and Fertility Much like estrogen and testosterone, levels of DHEA and DHEA-S decrease with age and are approximately 25% of their peak by age 70.2[1] Thus, we see substantial research regarding DHEA and its supplementation surrounding common concernsRead

Erectile Dysfunction and The Role of Nitric Oxide

A Look at the Role Nitric Oxide Plays in Erectile Function and Nutritional Tools to Improve its Production. By far, the most common concern that comes up in discussions of male sexual health is erectile dysfunction. A large, multinational survey, published in 2004, found that erectile dysfunction (ED) affects approximatelyRead

Everything Physicians Need to Know about the Paycheck Protection Program Forgiveness

Paycheck Protection Program PPP

The last few months have been very tough on the careers of physicians. Specifically for the practice owners, juggling between staff and patient management and keeping their finances in check has become a challenging ordeal. The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) by SBA has provided the much-needed stability required by physiciansRead


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