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Data Links Cannabis Use to Decreased Dementia Risk

Subjective cognitive decline (SCD), “the self-reported experience of worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss,” affects about 11% of adults over 45 years of ...
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Hypertension Guidelines
Cardiovascular Health

High Blood Pressure in Your 30s May Mean Dementia in Your 70s

A study published in JAMA Network Open finds that young people with high blood pressure tend to have worse brain health when they grow older. ...
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Extra Magnesium May Help Prevent Dementia

An abundant mineral in the body that’s also naturally present in many foods, magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate ...
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High Blood Pressure and Dementia – There Is a Strong Link

Controlling high blood pressure later in life slashes the risk of dementia, according to a study in the European Heart Journal. While other trials have ...
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Fatty Liver Disease Ups Dementia Risk

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) — a buildup of fat cells in the liver — affects up to 25% of people worldwide and is the ...
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High-Fiber Diet Linked with Lowered Dementia Risk

Dietary fiber intake, especially soluble fiber was inversely associated with the risk of dementia among Japanese subjects aged 40–60, according to a new study in ...
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Nocturnal high systolic blood pressure

Nocturnal High Systolic Blood Pressure May Pose Dementia Risk in Older Men

Nocturnal high systolic blood pressure that is higher than daytime BP may be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease in older men. More research is ...
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oids reduce blood pressure, apples, berries and tea reduces dementiasrisk

Flavonoids in Berries, Apples and Tea Reduce Risk of Dementias

Older adults who consumed small amounts of flavonoid-rich foods, such as berries, apples and tea, were two to four times more likely to develop Alzheimer’s ...
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Mental Health

Omega-3s Linked to Mental Illness

A study published in the journal Biological Psychiatry shows that young adults with low blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids had more psychotic experiences.
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Cognitive Health

Certain Nutrients Appear to Slow Brain Aging

A study published in the journal npj Aging shows that specific nutrients may promote healthy brain aging and stave off cognitive decline.
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