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Biotics Research Corporation

B Vitamins & Metabolic Syndrome

Results of a longitudinal prospective cohort study were recently published in JAMA Network, detailing the associations between total B vitamin intake and incidence of metabolic syndrome (Met-S). ...
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Metabolic Syndrome

Compounds in Hops May Alter Gut Microbiome and Liver Acids to Address Metabolic Syndrome

Could hops be a new way to address metabolic syndrome? According to new research from Oregon State University, compounds in hops may combat metabolic syndrome ...
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Anti-Inflammatory Function of HDL Cholesterol
Metabolic Syndrome

Omegas May Play a Role in Correcting Lipoprotein Patterns in Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome (MetSyn) is a multifaceted combination of cardiovascular disease risk factors and co-morbidities that include abdominal obesity, elevated triglycerides, mildly elevated blood pressure and ...
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stevia metabolic syndrome
Cardiovascular Health

Stevia. Is it Nature’s Secret to Metabolic Syndrome?

Stevia rebaudiana (SR), a popular calorie-free sweetener, may possess more health properties than originally thought, namely reducing the factors associated with metabolic syndrome. According to ...
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drug-induced nutrient depletions
Drug Nutrient Depletion

Hidden Disruptions In Metabolic Syndrome: Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletion As A Pathway To Accelerated Pathophysiology Of Metabolic Syndrome

One of the potential challenges facing healthcare professionals today is the problem of drug- induced disease. With polypharmacy prescribing occurring in younger and younger populations, ...
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Sugar Changes the Microbiome & Fuels Metabolic Disease

A new mice study in the journal Cell helps explain how a high-sugar, high-fat Western-style diet disrupts the gut microbiome, increasing the risk of metabolic ...
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Berberine: The Natural Antidote to Metabolic Derangement?

Berberine, an orangish-yellow alkaloid found at high levels in the bark and root structures of many ground-covering shrubs, has an extensive history of use as ...
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Cardiovascular Health

PCOS DISCOVERIES: Men with Genetic Risk Factors & Black Women at Greater Odds for Cardiometabolic Diseases

Two new studies presented at the annual ENDO 2021 meeting (March 20-23), the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting, provides valuable insight into polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). ...
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Hydrogen Supports Healing of Metabolic Disease and its Consequences

Molecular hydrogen is a novel tool that also may be useful in the fight against metabolic disease and its consequences, each of which continue to ...
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Kidney/Liver Health

Barrie Tan, PhD: Using Tocotrienols to Address Lifestyle and Metabolic Disease

In this interview from Dick Benson and Barrie Tan, PhD, from our partners at Integrative Medicine, a Clinician’s Journal, the two discuss the potential for ...
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