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Probiotic Improves Health of Kidney Cancer Patients

The gut microbiome—the trillions of bacteria and other microorganisms that live in our intestines—plays an extensive role in human health and disease. An imbalance between ...
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Gastrointestinal Health

Dispelling Common Myths and Misconceptions of Probiotics

With so many probiotics on the market now, it can be confusing as the best one to choose. Additionally, there are so many myths and ...
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Probiotic Metabolite May Help Treat IBS

Science is only beginning to understand the role that the gut microbiome—the collection of bacteria and other microbes that live in our intestines—plays in our ...
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Breakthrough Use for Probiotics

At this point, we’re all familiar with the benefits of probiotics, especially for gut health. These beneficial bacteria help control harmful bacteria in our gastrointestinal ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Probiotics Show Promise as Treatment for Hypertension

An estimated 40 percent of the global adult population has high blood pressure, or hypertension, which puts people at risk of cardiovascular disease and other ...
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Probiotic Reduces Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance is a well-known precursor to obesity, prediabetes, and type-2 diabetes. It occurs when cells in the body stop responding well to insulin, which ...
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Bacillus subtilis

Bacillus Probiotic Helps Eliminate Staph in the Gut

One particular probiotic strain found in supplements — Bacillus subtilis — was shown to dramatically reduce Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) in the gut without killing ...
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Probiotics Boost Mood in People on Antidepressants

If any of your patients are taking antidepressants, make sure they are also supplementing with probiotics daily. According to a study in Translational Psychiatry, probiotic “add-on” ...
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gut brain axis

Probiotics and Gut Microbiome Trigger Emotion and Mood Brain Signatures

Can probiotics alter the gut microbiome to shift emotion and mood brain signatures? The gut microbiota-brain axis plays an important role in gastrointestinal function and ...
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Probiotic, Phytochemical Blend Improves Long Covid

Long Covid cases are reaching new highs. In fact, estimates show that as many as 60 percent of those diagnosed with the virus still report ...
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