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Evidence Aid Offers Hundreds of COVID-19 Studies Translated in Multiple Languages

The organization Evidence Aid, a UK-based charity with international roots, has collated and translated more than 270 COVID-19 studies, research papers to aid clinicians, policymakers and other decision-makers around the world both in high and low resource settings. Evidence Aid published summaries of more than 270 papers related to COVID-19Read

Advances in the Human Genome Identify Gut Bacteria

Gut Bacteria

The role genetics and gut bacteria play in human health has long been a fruitful source of scientific inquiry. A new study published in Nature Microbiology marks a significant step forward in unraveling this complex relationship. Its findings could transform our understanding and treatment of all manner of common diseases,Read

COVID-19 Can Cause Serious Cardiovascular Issues

Long-Term Cardiovascular and Heart Complications

Emergency room doctors want physicians to know that COVID-19 can cause serious cardiovascular complications including heart failure, heart attacks and blood clots that can lead to strokes. In this study, published in The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, emergency medicine doctors also caution that COVID-19 treatments can interact with medicinesRead

Part II: The French Paradox, Microbiota–Gut–Brain Axis–Heart Shunt, Prosaic Foods and the Brain–Heart Connection in AD

In second of a two-part series on the French Paradox, researchers researchers explore the concept of a heart shunt within the microbiota-gut-brain axis and underscore the close association between brain and heart health. The so-called French Paradox offers clues for understanding neurodegenerative and cerebrovascular such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). ReadRead

Prehabilitation Reduces Costs and Increases Recovery after Surgery


We know about rehabilitation, but have you heard of prehabilitation?  It’s the practice of preparing patients for an upcoming surgery with healthy lifestyle behavior practices. Researchers say the benefits are worth the effort. In the weeks before the surgery, prehabilitation encourages patients to move more, eat healthier, cut back onRead

Yoga Reduces Migraine Incidence, Duration and Pain

Adding yoga as part of a regularly prescribed migraine treatment may be better than medication alone, according to a study published online issue of Neurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. This new research suggests that yoga reduces migraine frequency, duration and pain level. “Migraine is oneRead


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