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The Role of Nutrition and the Gut-Brain Axis in Psychiatry: A Literature Review

blood sugar dips and weight loss

Individuals suffering from psychiatric disorders experience high levels of illness burden and a significantly reduced quality of life. Despite targeted psychopharmacological strategies and complementary psychotherapeutic procedures only moderate effects are obtained, and the risk of relapse is high in many patients. This narrative review highlights the important role of nutritionRead

Microbiota-Mediated Regulation of the Immune System in a Prenatal Immune Activation Model of Autism

autism, probiotics, pregnancy

In what is being described as cutting-edge research, published in the Journal of Immunology, scientists from the University of Virginia School of Medicine suggest that a mother’s microbiome during pregnancy plays a critical role in determining the child’s risk of developing autism-spectrum disorders. The study raises the possibility that autismRead

Effect of Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001 in Pregnancy on Postpartum Symptoms of Depression and Anxiety

postpartum depression

Growing evidence about the microbiome and gut brain axis suggests that taking specific strains of probiotics may be an important aspect of mental health, and more specifically postpartum depression, which affects 10-15% of women. In this study, published by EBioMedicine, a LANCET publication, researchers studied the effects of probiotics supplementationRead

A Comprehensive Summary— Probiotics, Mental and Neurological Health

Probiotics, Mental and Neurological Health

This article on probiotics, mental and neurological health provides a literature review of the disease-specific probiotic strains studied in published clinical trials in humans and animals as they relate to brain and mental health. The table designs allow for quick access to supportive data related to disease states and areRead

Free On-Demand Webinar on Supporting Mood Disorders with Scot Bay, MD and Jane Foster, PhD

Popular contributors Scot Bay, MD  and Jane Foster, PhD are back with a ready-watch webinar on animal science and clinical research that explains the gut-brain axis and how specific probiotic strains can positively support mood and mental health. Dr. Bay will elaborate on his case studies using probiotic formulas asRead

Finding Emotional Balance with Your Patients, Interview with Leslie Korn, PhD., Author Good Mood Kitchen

The Good Mood Kitchen

In light of recent tragic events with fashion designer Kate Spade and celebrity chef Anthony Bourdain and a growing number of suicides in Western society, it’s important to remember that whole health wellness plays a crucial role in addressing mental health and mood disorders. One part of that care isRead

Bacteriophages: The Next Gut Friendly Antibiotic Replacement

At last week’s Nutrition 2018 conference in Boston, scientists from the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies at George Mason University in Fairfax, VA released an exciting new study showing the  therapeutic potential of bacteriophages. The Bacteriophage for Gastrointestinal Health (PHAGE) Study is the first randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled cross-overRead

Gut Feelings: Radiolab Podcast on the Gut Microbiome

Gut Feelings

We couldn’t resist sharing this excellent and amusing Radiolab podcast, called Gut Feelings, about some important research by John Cryan, PhD, Professor & Chair, Dept. of Anatomy & Neuroscience, University College Cork and Principal Investigator at the APC Microbiome Institute. In this Radiolab podcast, guest-host Carl Zimmer, co-host Robert Krulich, producerRead


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