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Video with Tieraona Low Dog M.D., Herbal Bitters versus Digestive Enzymes

In this Q&A and video, Dr. Tieraona Low Dog outlines the uses and clinical protocols for herbal bitters versus digestive enzymes. Q: “When would you use an herbal bitters versus digestive enzymes?”  TLD: “It’s a good question, and one that requires some thoughtful consideration.” “Herbal bitters are herbs that primeRead

Combination Therapy Including Digestive Enzymes Improves Clinical Outcomes for IBS

Proton Pump Inhibitors Associated with Increased Risk of Premature Death

This Italian study, published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, evaluated the efficacy of a mixture of beta-glucan, inositol and digestive enzymes in improving gastrointestinal symptoms in patients affected by inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Digestive Enzyme Study Patients and Methods The study was conductedRead

Integrative Medical News Update

This week we feature a round up of integrative medical news published in the last 30 days. Prebiotics Support Beneficial REM Sleep and Reduced Stress Response Emergency Room Doctors Warn of “natural cures” that promote high-concentration peroxide cleanses. Lianhuaqingwen’s antiviral activity and immunomodulatory effects discovered on viral influenza infections.  Read

Clinical and Scientific Insights CASI: The Gut Microbiome Revolution

Proton Pump Inhibitors Associated with Increased Risk of Premature Death

In this previous year Clinical and Scientific Insights CASI session, Dr. Mullin defines prebiotics and reviews their application in health and disease. He presents the role of diet in modulating the gut microbiome as well as, data illustrating the inverse relationship of dietary fiber intake to obesity risk and theRead

SPECIAL REPORT: Why Americans are Pushing for Alternatives to PPIs

Proton Pump Inhibitors Associated with Increased Risk of Premature Death

By Kimberly Lord Stewart Patients and physicians are getting heartburn on how best to treat digestive health issues. Though the use proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) has dramatically risen in the last decade, opinions are quickly changing on how to best treat digestive disorders like heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).Read

CASE STUDY: Nutritional Aspects of Detoxification in Clinical Practice

Detox, Todays Practitioner

In this case study, John Cline, MD discusses the nutritional aspects of detoxification, a vital cellular task that, if lacking, can lead to early morbidity and mortality. The process of detoxification involves the mobilization, biotransformation, and elimination of toxicants of exogenous and endogenous origin. This case study, published in AlternativeRead


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