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A Good Night’s Sleep—Essential for Full Body Restoration

When looking at the word restoration, REST is the first four letters of this essential pursuit. As clinicians treating patients with sleep disorders, we invariably look to restore homeostasis, whether it be hormone therapy, metabolic health, brain health, cardiovascular performance, musculoskeletal function, or stress/adrenal dysfunction. Research shows poor sleep isRead

Best Forms of Magnesium for Sleep

The magnitude of magnesium’s importance in the human body cannot be understated. This master mineral is the fourth most abundant element in the human body and is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. Magnesium gets depleted when exercising, under stress, or during illness. Excessive alcohol consumption canRead

Vegetarian Diet for Sleep Apnea

It’s no secret that a plant-based diet offers nearly unlimited health benefits. Research shows that a vegetarian or vegan diet can lower body mass index, blood sugar, and cholesterol, as well as the risk of heart disease and overall mortality rates. While anyone can benefit, a plant-based diet is especiallyRead

Sleep: Your Night Job

Any health news junkie can see that the importance of sleep has come to center stage. Our collective interest in this shut-eye time grew when studies started linking a lack of sleep to obesity. Ghrelin, an appetite regulatory hormone, became known as the “carb gremlin” with nutritionists reminding us that fewerRead

Melatonin – more than a hormone for sleep

In recent years, melatonin has become one of the world’s most popular dietary supplements – a fact some may attribute to an increase in screen time coupled with “always on” lifestyles. Though this endogenous neurohormone is most widely known for its effects on circadian rhythms, melatonin has independent benefits toRead


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