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Botanical Medicine

Natural Compound Speeds Nerve Regeneration

Blessed thistle (Cnicus benedictus) is a thorny, flowering plant native to the Mediterranean region. For centuries, extracts or teas of blessed thistle have been used ...
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Nutritional Medicine

Demystifying Methylation: Patterns, Processes and the Pivotal Role of B vitamins.

Methylation is a complex, often poorly understood subject—but it’s essential for overall wellness, vitality and disease prevention. As a central player in regulating gene expression ...
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Mental Health

Research Uncovers Natural Solution for Postpartum Blues

Postpartum blues, also known as “baby blues,” is characterized by mood swings, crying spells, anxiety, and difficulty sleeping. It affects up to 8 out of ...
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Surviving Seasonal Allergies

As spring approaches, tree pollen counts soar–and so does the influx of patients with congestion, itching, sneezing and watery, irritated eyes. Inflammation plays a prominent ...
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Cognitive Health

Researchers Link Abdominal Fat to Brain Health in Men

According to the World Health Organization, some 55 million people globally suffer from Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. With 10 million new cases diagnosed annually, dementia ...
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Botanical Medicine

Hydroquinine as Potential Solution for Microbial keratitis

Microbial keratitis—one of the most serious potential complications for contact lens wearers—is an infection of the cornea caused by bacteria, most commonly Pseudomonas aeruginosa. There ...
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Nutmeg Shown to Extend Lifespan

Nutmeg is a spice made from grinding the seed of the Myristica fragrans tree, an evergreen native to the Maluku Islands of Indonesia. It has ...
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Breakthrough Use for Probiotics

At this point, we’re all familiar with the benefits of probiotics, especially for gut health. These beneficial bacteria help control harmful bacteria in our gastrointestinal ...
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Nutritional Medicine

More Bad News for Expectant Mothers

In April 2023, we highlighted a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showing that the majority of pregnant women fail to get ...
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Understanding Long Covid and an Effective Protocol from Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

In this episode, we talk with Jacob Teitelbaum, MD about long covid and a treatment protocol he is using to improve the quality of life ...
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