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chronic inflammation
Drug Safety

Put the Script Pad Down: FDA’s New Drug Approvals Pose Significant Risks

For every 100 new drugs introduced in the market, there have been 34 withdrawals or new black box warnings in the past 25 years. Since ...
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Cardiovascular Health

NEJM Editorial Advises Against Extended-Release Niacin

By now you've heard that niacin is no longer recommended for reducing heart attacks and strokes. After 50 years of being a mainstay cholesterol therapy, ...
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Integrating Diet and Physical Activity in Type-2 Diabetes Therapy to Reduce Inflammation

Inflammation plays a major role in diabetes-associated cardiovascular disease (CVD). There is uncertainty whether diet and physical activity interventions can be successfully integrated into healthcare ...
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Dark Chocolate Improves Walking in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease

This interventional study measured the acute effect of dark chocolate on walking distance autonomy (WDA), artery dilatation and NOX2‐mediated oxidative stress in a population affected ...
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Inactivity Linked to Colon, Lung, Endometrial Cancer

It is widely accepted that physical inactivity leads to weight gain, cardiovascular disease and diabetes. New research links a sedentary lifestyle to certain cancers, specifically ...
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Drop Diastolic and Systolic Blood Pressure with Yoga

Drop Diastolic & Systolic Blood Pressure with Yoga

Lifestyle modification is a cornerstone of hypertension (HPT) treatment, yet most recommendations currently focus on diet and exercise and do not consider stress reduction strategies. ...
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Glutathione: Physiological and Clinical Relevance

As the risk of exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) grows, research is looking at the role of glutathione and modulating disease risk. Joe Pizzorno ...
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Apathy Aside, Six Factors to Reducing Global Health Risks

The biggest threat to global health and wellness can be narrowed down to six, preventable non-communicable diseases: respiratory illness from tobacco use, harmful alcohol use, ...
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Anti-Inflammatory Function of HDL Cholesterol
Cardiovascular Health

Palmitoleic Acid Research Review

Within the world of essential fatty acids, a significant amount of interest is reserved for omega 3s and specifically for eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic ...
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A Case for Ending Calcium Supplements

Should physicians stop prescribing calcium supplements for bone loss? Ian Reid makes a case for ending the practice. Calcium supplements may have little role to ...
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