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blood protein

Cancer Blood Test, aka “Liquid Biopsy,” Promises Early Detection for Eight Cancers

Could a cancer blood test for eight cancers cost the same as a single cancer test? Yes, say researchers from Johns Hopkins. In a widely ...
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Emerson Ecologics’ New Personalized Product Search Tool

It’s all about personalized nutrition, so why shouldn’t your product searches be any different? That’s exactly why we like Emerson Ecologics’ new personalized search tool ...
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Genotyping May Minimize the Need for Liver Transplants

Genotyping could help minimize the need for liver transplants.  Winston Dunn, MD associate professor at the University of Kansas Medical Center. Dunn, the study lead ...
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Genoma International

Reader Question: At what age, what circumstances, presenting pathologies, and/or family history should one undergo genetic testing?

QUESTION:  At what age and what circumstances or presenting pathologies or family history with certain pathologies should one undergo genetic testing? For instance, let’s say a ...
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Cairn Consulting

Why I Made Genomic Testing a Foundation of My Practice

And … “Why genomic testing  seemed like a good idea at the time.” by Mary Louder, DO. Genomics, precision medicine, epigenomics …. Are they buzz ...
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yerba mate and obesity

Yerba Mate May be Beneficial for Obesity & Insulin Resistance

Yerba Mate, a dietary supplement and popular coffee and tea shop beverage, may be beneficial for improving diet-induced adiposity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hepatic steatosis. ...
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Integrative Health and Wellness Congressional Caucus

Support the Integrative Health & Wellness Congressional Caucus

NEWS: Representatives Mike Coffman (R-Colo.) and Jared Polis (D-Colo.) have jointly launched the Integrative Health and Wellness Congressional Caucus in the House of Representatives. In ...
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Clinically Supported Menopausal S-equol Product Available to Practitioners

This year alone 53 million women, between the ages of 40 and 64, are entering perimenopause or menopause. both perimenopause and menopausal symptoms can dramatically ...
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Jeffrey Bland PhD

Letter to President Trump from Joseph Pizzorno, ND; Jeffery Bland PhD; Mimi Guarneri MD and other Integrative Care Leaders

In this letter to President Trump from Joseph Pizzorno, ND and other leading integrative health leaders, experts call for reform that moves away from the ...
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interdisciplinary pediatric pain rehabilitation
Barbara Bruce PhD L.P. Mayo Clinic

Interdisciplinary Pediatric Pain Rehabilitation Study

Chronic and severe pain affects from 25% to 37% of children and adolescents, which can lead to pain-related disabilities, increased school absences, avoidance of social ...
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