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Op/Ed: Curcumin Bioavailability & Efficacy

    Editor’s Note: This opinion column is in reference to an article posted earlier this month. Clinical Utility of Curcumin Extract, by Gary N. ...
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Blood Sugar Monitoring

Google’s new contact lens measures blood sugar

Google announced in its blog on Thursday (Jan. 16, 2013), they are testing a smart contact lens that can measure glucose levels in tears. The ...
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Drug-Induced Nutrient Depletions and Diabetic Therapy from Jim LaValle, CCN, RPh

A challenge facing heath care professionals in treating the pre-diabetic and diabetic patient today is the problem of complications arising from polypharmacy prescribing and resulting ...
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New research suggests kava may prevent lung tumors in smokers

A new study on a special preparation for kava root from the University of Minnesota and Texas Tech University may help explain low rates of ...
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Organic dairy gets a healthy nod, more work ahead

By now you may have heard about a study from Washington State University that reports organic milk contains significantly higher concentrations of essential-fatty acids, compared ...
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Cognitive Function

Mercury in Fish Negatively Outweighs Positive Impact of Omega-3s

Little agreement exists as to whether low-level mercury (Hg) exposure causes damage to the central nervous system in adults. Although eating fish is associated with ...
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Antioxidants: Redefining Their Roles

The cellular environment is sensitive to the presence of free radicals, which are molecules with unpaired electrons. The most common types of free radicals are ...
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Organic vs Conventionally Grown Foods

The Annals of Internal Medicine recently published a review by Dr Crystal Smith-Spangler and others titled: “Are Organic Foods Safer or Healthier Than Conventional Alternatives?” ...
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Bromelain Limits Airway Inflammation

Allergic asthma continues to increase despite new pharmacological advances for both acute treatment and chronic-disease management. Asthma is a multifactorial disease process with genetic, allergic, ...
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