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DISCOVERY: Diet and Lifestyle Study Shows Possible Reversal in Epigenetic Age in a Pilot Clinical Trial

A new study shows just how lifestyle changes and diet can slow the biological aging process and extend health span by three years. According to ...
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immunity and the gut

Scientific Review on Immunity and the Microbiome, a Symbiotic Partnership

When referring to immunity and the microbiome, the science often focuses on how the microbiota promote and calibrate all aspects of the immune system. However, ...
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gut microbiome and mental health

David Scheiderer MD on Stress and the Microbiome

The science is growing showing that meta-inflammation and dysbiosis may be linked to dysfunction of the gut-brain axis and thus affect mental health. It all ...
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autism, probiotics, pregnancy

DHA Supplement May Offset Damaging Outcomes of Maternal Stress on Unborn Males in Early Development

Neurodevelopmental disorders like autism and schizophrenia disproportionately affect males and are directly linked to early life adversity caused by maternal stress and other factors, which ...
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leaky gut and COVID-19

Leaky Gut and Gut Dysfunction Likely Connected to Severe COVID-19

People infected with COVID-19 experience a wide range of symptoms and severity, including high fevers and respiratory problems. However, new research shows that when the ...
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kidney cancer

Link between Gut Microbiome and Kidney Cancer Treatment Outcomes

Physicians at City of Hope, working in collaboration with scientists at Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen), have found that greater gut microbial diversity in patients ...
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Vitamin D and colorectal cancer

Two Vitamin D Studies: Reducing Homocysteine & Chemotherapy Side Effects

In this vitamin D study collection, we bring you two different studies showing the benefits of the hormone supplement: Vitamin D3 Lowers Homocysteine Levels The ...
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foods for gut microbiome
Gut Microbiome

Gut Microbiome May be Linked to Personality and Social Behavior

Could there be a day when we can blame or give credit to our gut microbiome for our social behavior? In recent years, there has ...
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Complementary Health

More than Half of U.S Physicians Recommend at Least One Complementary Health Approach to Patients

A new study has shown that more than half (53.1%) of office-based physicians in the U.S., across specialty areas, recommended at least one complementary health ...
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Gastrointestinal Health

PART 2: The Pervasive Misuderstanding of What the FODMAP Diet Does and Doesn’t Do

The exaggerated confidence given to the FODMAP diet, that it has the ability to favorably alter the intestinal microbiota, starve out organisms, or alter the ...
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