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Children's Health

Supporting the Infant Microbiota for a Healthy Future

The gut microbiota develops and matures during the first few years of life. Research suggests changes in the early microbiota may affect a child’s later ...
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CBD’s Role in A Healthy Pain Response

The statements mentioned in this content have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended to prevent, diagnosis, or treat any disease. Always ...
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Gastrointestinal Health

Unraveling the Role of Butyrate in Cellular Health and Aging

Cultivating Longevity Through Optimized Digestion Recent advances in microbiology have led to the recognition of the gut microbiota as an essential component contributing to the ...
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Cognitive Health

Can DHA Protect Brain Cells from Effects of High-Fat Diet?

A study in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience shows that docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) can protect the brain from damage caused by saturated fats.
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CBD’s Mechanisms in the Body: How This Amazing Cannabinoid Keeps You Healthy

Chapter 2: Cannabidiol (CBD) from hemp oil has taken center stage recently as a way to address many areas of health including supporting a healthy ...
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gut brain axis

Gut-Brain Axis Intake Form

Gut-brain axis (GBA) problems can have widespread effects causing nonspecific symptoms throughout the body. Getting to the root of those symptoms takes some sleuthing, but ...
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gut brain axis

Gut-Brain Axis Resilience Quiz™

The gut-brain axis (GBA) plays a significant role in overall health. Yet, many patients aren’t aware it exists, let alone how to support it. Practitioners ...
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Free Nutrition Resource: Practical Tips for Healthier Kids Meals

A new school year is fast approaching, and you’re probably talking to parents and caregivers about how to help their child have a successful school ...
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Cellular Senescence Offers Vital Clues for Healthy Aging

In the rapidly evolving field of longevity, emerging research on cellular senescence—a state of stable cell cycle arrest in which cells cease to replicate—offers vital ...
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gut brain axis

Supporting the Gut-Brain Axis — Patient Guide

The gut-brain connection is vital to maintaining overall health and wellbeing, and it is important to establish a foundation of good nutrition and effective lifestyle ...
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