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Antioxidant Flavonols Slow Memory Loss

People who eat or drink more foods with antioxidant flavonols, found in several fruits and vegetables as well as tea and wine, may have a ...
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High Blood Pressure and Dementia – There Is a Strong Link

Controlling high blood pressure later in life slashes the risk of dementia, according to a study in the European Heart Journal. While other trials have ...
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Nutrients That Support Neurodiverse Minds

All children need a wide range of nutrients to help them grow and develop. Ideally, these should come from a well-balanced diet. However, children with ...
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Botanical Medicine

Cranberries Provide Neuroprotective Benefits

Blueberries get all the glory when it comes to boosting memory and cognitive function. But according to a new study, cranberries may be edging out ...
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Nocturnal high systolic blood pressure

Nocturnal High Systolic Blood Pressure May Pose Dementia Risk in Older Men

Nocturnal high systolic blood pressure that is higher than daytime BP may be a risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease in older men. More research is ...
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Immune Health

Part 1: Melatonin, Immune Function, and Inflammation

A look at the physiological role of melatonin beyond its sleep-supportive and antioxidant effects. Melatonin and Respiratory Health Melatonin has been shown to improve various ...
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Two studies released recently on exercise to improve cognition show that small bouts of intermittent exercise throughout a day improves memory and decision making in older adults.

Two Studies on Exercise to Improve Cognition

Two studies released recently on exercise to improve cognition show that small bouts of intermittent exercise throughout a day improves memory and decision making in ...
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Metabolic Syndrome

Plant-Based Food Trend May Lead to Choline Deficiencies

A recent study suggests that the push toward only plant-based diets, without professional nutritional counseling, guidance, and supplementation, may lead to choline deficiencies beyond what ...
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Five Lesser-Known Benefits of Vitamin D

So you probably know a lot about the benefits of vitamin D, commonly dubbed the sunshine vitamin. Yes, it is is an essential micronutrient produced ...
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Top Ten Articles for March & April 2015

Spring is a good time to get caught up. To help you keep up on your professional reading, we’ve collected the most popular articles for ...
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