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New MIND Diet Protects Against Alzheimer’s Risk by 53%

A specially designed diet for the brain, with even moderate adherence, shows reduction in incidence of Alzheimer’s disease by as much as 53%. The new ...
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Citicoline Improves Teen/Adult Attention in Two Trials

In an age where attention spans are short and activity levels are low for teen boys, a new study shows citicoline may improve concentration and ...
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Inadvertent Stereotyping Leads to Healthcare Disparities

Going to the doctor's office is a stress-inducing event for many people But for blacks, it can be particularly terrifying, because of something called negative ...
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Dark Chocolate Improves Walking in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease

This interventional study measured the acute effect of dark chocolate on walking distance autonomy (WDA), artery dilatation and NOX2‐mediated oxidative stress in a population affected ...
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Most comprehensive global study to date shows obesity rates climbing worldwide

Experts warn that the substantial rises in obesity rates across the world warrant concerted to reverse a troubling trend. More than half of the world’s ...
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Mobile Technology

Dear Doctor, #PleaseTextMe

Reminder: Plz take your meds. How r u feeling 2day? These aren't texts from Mom, they are from physicians. Text messaging in health care started ...
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Ayurvedic Treatment Of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome—A Case Report

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is a disorder characterized by sudden onset of severe unexplained fatigue, lasting 6 months or more.1,2 Associated symptoms include impairment of ...
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Cognitive Function

Mercury in Fish Negatively Outweighs Positive Impact of Omega-3s

Little agreement exists as to whether low-level mercury (Hg) exposure causes damage to the central nervous system in adults. Although eating fish is associated with ...
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