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The Vagus Nerve: New Understandings, Emerging Research and Implications for Overall Wellness.

In recent years, the vagus nerve has become a topic of great interest, especially as it relates to stress, anxiety, depression, mood and sleep. Social ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Heart Failure or Therapy Failure? Toxins Cause Cardiomyopathy

Because cardiomyopathy presenting as clinical heart failure is a condition typically involving multiple factors, there is no single clinical protocol that can be considered the ...
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Foundational Nutrition Resource Center

Foundational Nutrition Resource Center / Recent Posts / Research Is Finding Diet Alone Isn’t Enough To Meet Nutrient Needs The modern diet, lifestyle, and increased ...
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Immune Health Resource Center

Immune Health Resource Center / Recent Posts / Before the bugs hit: protect your patients with science-backed supplements shown to enhance immunity. Given the continuing ...
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Kidney/Liver Health

Beyond the Kidney Stone: Are Oxalates Affecting Your Patients?

Are you missing the possibility of oxalates contributing to your patient’s fatigue, inflammation, pain, or chronic infections? In the absence of kidney stones, dietary oxalate ...
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Nutritional Medicine

The Toxic Nutrient Triad A little: good. Just a little more: bad

Most clinicians are familiar with the concept that when a little is good, more is often better, but a lot is still reliably toxic. This ...
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Diagnostic Testing

Genetics, Genomics and Personalized Medicine: using recent advances in genetic testing to personalize treatment protocols.

Of the many advances in modern medicine, few are as exciting and promising as those in the field of genetics and genomics. Emerging technology and ...
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Gut Microbiome

Spring Clean Your Microbiota: Trillions of Tiny Lives That Influence Your Health

Emerging research suggests that the microbiota influences many aspects of wellbeing, far beyond digestive and immune health. Nurturing these trillions of tiny lives requires a ...
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B Vitamins and Erectile Dysfunction
B Vitamins and Erectile Dysfunction

The Role of Homocysteine and B Vitamins in Erectile Dysfunction

How B Vitamins Can Be Transformative for Erection Quality in Individuals Poorly Responsive to Phosphodiesterase Type-5 Inhibitors. Numerous studies have shown a relationship between homocysteine ...
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Immune Health

Effects of dietary selenium on immune function of spleen in mice

Journal of Functional Foods Xin Zhang, Liangliang Zhang, Kaide Xia, Jie Dai, Jiangtao Huang, Yun Wang, Guiming Zhu, Zuquan Hu, Zhu Zeng, Yi Jia ABSTRACT: ...
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