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Five Lesser-Known Benefits of Vitamin D

So you probably know a lot about the benefits of vitamin D, commonly dubbed the sunshine vitamin. Yes, it is is an essential micronutrient produced by the body when exposed to sunlight. And, generally speaking, you know that most people require 10-30 minutes of decent exposure to sunlight, 3-4 timesRead

Are your Patients Getting Enough Vitamin D?

During the past few decades your patients have been taught to be wary of the sun. This advice may mean your patients are not getting enough vitamin D, which could be detrimental to their health. For some reason, research that found sunburns to be linked to skin cancer morphed intoRead

Vitamin D: The Fat-Soluble Philharmonic

From reducing sports injuries to cardiovascular health, vitamin D is best described as the philharmonic conductor of fat soluble vitamins. The symphony of players for optimum health includes Vitamin D, along with vitamins E, K and A. Most doctors today recognize the importance of vitamin D, as it has takenRead

Vitamin D’s Affect on Memory, Learning and Hippocampal Volume

We have long known the connection between vitamin D and mental health, however, new research may have found that the reason for vitamin D deficiency’s effect on learning and memory may be due to its effect on Perineuronal nets (PNNs) and hippocampal volume. Perineuronal nets, specialized extracellular matrix structures inRead


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