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Audio Case Study: Nutrigenomics and Heart Disease

Have you considered how nutrigenomics and heart disease might be what you need for ideal integrative cardio care? In this podcast from This Week in America with Ric Bratton, Bobbi Kline MD, board-certified obstetrician-gynecologist, nutrigenomics expert and co-founder of Genoma International, discusses how nutrigenomics can play a role in uncoveringRead

SPECIAL REPORT: Why Americans are Pushing for Alternatives to PPIs

Proton Pump Inhibitors Associated with Increased Risk of Premature Death

By Kimberly Lord Stewart Patients and physicians are getting heartburn on how best to treat digestive health issues. Though the use proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) has dramatically risen in the last decade, opinions are quickly changing on how to best treat digestive disorders like heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).Read

Seven Amino Acids Lower Blood Pressure Equal to Lifestyle Changes

Plant Proteins, Beans, Todays Practitioner

Loading up on beans, lentils, spinach and broccoli could do as much to reduce blood pressure as lifestyle changes. And, the amino acids in meat, fish and dairy could be a good way to reduce arterial stiffness. Research published in the Journal of Nutrition, from the University of East AngliaRead


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