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MDTech Lanches Video-Enabled Telemedicine

video enabled telemedicine

As part of MDTech’s enterprise secure text messaging application, MDMessage, MDTech recently developed video-enabled telemedicine functionality. This capability is available as part of the MDMessage standalone solution or as can be combined with MDTech’s mobile charge capture solution, MDCoder. MDMessage simplifies and secures enterprise communications while MDCoder provides an automatedRead

Lumina Health Launches Telehealth No-Cost Webinar

telehealth telemental no-cost webinar

Lumina Health Partners is launching a telehealth no-cost webinar for healthcare providers to guide them in launching telehealth services. This webinar, taking place on March 26 at 10 a.m. CT will offer practical solutions on establishing telehealth services as well as information on how to properly document, code and billRead

Public Service Webinar from Institute for Natural Medicine: Building Resilience Naturally: COVID-19 & Beyond

Building Resilience Naturally: COVID-19

In response to growing concerns about the coronavirus and its public health implications, the Institute for Natural Medicine announced that it will host a two-part online educational series for the public, Building Resilience Naturally: COVID-19 and Beyond. Please share this link with your patients, on your social media andRead

Reducing Waiting Room Exposure to COVID-19

Waiting Time Exposure to COVID-19

Do you need to reduce waiting time exposure to COVID-19 (coronavirus) and manage your patient wait times? DocClocker®, developed by Fast Pathway, enables medical facilities to provide patients with real-time wait time reporting, which is preventing the spread of COVID-19 nationwide by enabling patients to avoid long waits in medicalRead

CTK Biotech: Coronavirus Test Kits

COVID-19 mortality

With cases of coronavirus COVID-19 disease rising at an unprecedented rate, CTK Biotech, in collaboration with its partners in China, has launched two diagnostic coronavirus tests kits, both a real time PCR based nucleic acid detection kit and a serological rapid screening test. Click here to contact CTK about internationalRead


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