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Cardiovascular Health

PCOS DISCOVERIES: Men with Genetic Risk Factors & Black Women at Greater Odds for Cardiometabolic Diseases

Two new studies presented at the annual ENDO 2021 meeting (March 20-23), the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting, provides valuable insight into polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). ...
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Hyperinsulinemia and Insulin Resistance Develops as part of Elevated Free Fatty Acids

While it is commonly accepted that free fatty acids (FFA) cause insulin resistance and hyperglycemia in obese individuals, which drives hyperinsulinemia. However, as this new ...
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stroke study
Cardiovascular Health

Plant-Forward Diet Reduces Risk of Ischemic Stroke by 10%

Eating a healthy, plant-based diet that includes foods like vegetables, whole grains and beans, and decreasing intakes of less healthy foods like refined grains or ...
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B Vitamins and Erectile Dysfunction

Paper Suggests Vitamin B6 May Calm Cytokine Storms Linked to COVID-19

Studies have so far explored the benefits of vitamins D and C and minerals like zinc and magnesium in fortifying immune response against COVID-19 (read ...
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Ginger1, Todays Practitioner
Botanical Medicine

Preclinical Ginger Study Shows Promise for Antiphospholipid Syndrome

In the alternative, complementary and integrative medical community, it is well known that ginger has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative effects, which makes it a popular herbal ...
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Post COVID-19: Lifestyle Management at the Individual Level is Critical to Combating Non-Communicable Diseases

An international team of researchers report that the management of cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, the leading causes of death worldwide, requires lifestyle management ...
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DISCOVERY: Nature Med Gut Study Connects Microbes with Biomarkers of Disease
Gut Microbiome

DISCOVERY: Nature Med Study Connects Gut Microbes with Biomarkers of Disease

A large-scale international study using metagenomics and blood chemical profiling discovered a panel of 15 gut microbes that are closely associated with lower risks of ...
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Metabolic Syndrome

Bursts of Exercise Are Enough to Lead to Significant Improvements of Metabolic Health

Short bursts of exercise induce changes in the body’s levels of metabolites that correlate to, and may help gauge, an individual’s cardiometabolic, cardiovascular and long-term ...
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Cardiovascular Health

The Cholesterol Myth: Why Doctors are Becoming More Skeptical About Cholesterol Numbers

What is the cholesterol myth? Our content partners at WholeFoods magazine shared two articles with us that deserve more attention about why the medical establishments’ ...
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Glutathione Precursor GlyNAC Reverses Premature Aging with HIV

A new study from Baylor College of Medicine shows that findings supplementing GlyNAC, a combination of glycine and N-acetylcysteine, corrects glutathione deficiencies in humans with ...
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