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endocrine disruptors and diabetes

Environmental Toxicants – A Factor in the Development of Diabetes?

Data shows a relationship between environmental toxicants and diabetes – so, what can you do to protect your patients? The first Global Report on Diabetes, ...
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Linoleic Acid Study: Inflammatory Response is Gene Dependent

The effects of linoleic acid on the human body are largely dependent on genes, a new study from the University of Eastern Finland shows, published ...
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French Maritime Pine Bark Extract
metabolic syndrome

French Maritime Pine Bark Extract: A Complex Compound with Numerous Metabolic Effects

Standardized pine bark extract (SPBE), also known as French maritime pine bark extract per its source of the Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton), offers anti-aging ...
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Cardiovascular Health

New Study Shows Certain Food Combinations Lower LDL-C as Well as Statins

Seventy million Americans are eligible to take cholesterol-lowering statins. Yet as many as 20% of outpatients receiving HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (statins) experience treatment reluctance because ...
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genetic testing

Jeffrey Bland, PhD: Making Genetic Testing More Clinically Valuable

A leading trend for medicine in 2018 was personalized medicine and genetic testing, the coming year looks no different. From companies like Habit, promising nutrition ...
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Mind Body Medicine

Transcendental Meditation May Reduce the Severity of PTSD Symptoms

As the Veterans Administration continues to delve into the benefits of integrative medicine for pain and post-traumatic-stress disorder (PTSD), this new study shows that transcendental ...
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blue light for blood pressure

Blue Light Decreases Systolic Blood Pressure, Arterial Stiffness & Improves Endothelial Function

This study shows a novel method to decrease systolic blood pressure. During this study, published in the European Journal of Preventative Cardiology, participants were exposed ...
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Hypertension Guidelines
American Cardiology College

Podcast – Who Is Right, the U.S. or European Hypertension Guidelines?

Within the last 2 years, major guidelines have been issued from U.S.-based and European organizations that differ in their recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment ...
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health risks of sitting
high intensity exercise

Two Myth Busting Studies: Health Risks of Sitting & the Benefits of Short-Burst High Intensity Exercise

In recent years, every major news outlet, and even medical journals, reported that the health risks of sitting at a desk for 8 hours were ...
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Endurance Exercise Improves the Gut Microbiome

According to recent research, endurance exercise improves the gut microbiome by beneficially modifying gut microbiota composition. This new study shows that after six weeks of ...
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