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What is a Medical Food for IBS?

Probiotics are commonly used dietary supplements for occasional digestive disorders. But you should know — not all products are the same. If you live with ...
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COVID-19 Variants

Lancet: Early COVID-19 Symptoms Differ Among Age Groups and Genders

Age and gender matter when it comes to the early COVID-19 symptoms, according to new research from Lancet Digital Health. The differences are most notable ...
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curcumin and AD

Early Stage Curcumin Study Shows Promise for AD-Related Metabolic-Immune Dysfunction

As researchers explore the benefits of curcumin, a recent mice study raises additional promise for metabolic dysfunction and immune disorders related to Alzheimer’s disease (AD). ...
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urinary tract infections
Women's Health

DISCOVERY: Genesis of Uterine Leiomyomas (Fibroids) Discovered in Genetic Mutations

Scientists at the University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital have made a breakthrough in understanding the genesis of uterine leiomyomas, or fibroids. The findings ...
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Meat Alternatives and Meat Are Not Nutritionally Equal, Each Lacks Important Metabolites

Market trend analysis shows the global plant-based meat alternative market size is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.4% from ...
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probiotics for thrush with Gerald Simons, PA

Case Study: Probiotics for Thrush in Patient with Persistent Lyme Disease

Candida Albicans is known as one of the most common species of yeast causing yeast and fungal infections in humans. In this case study, about ...
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Botanical Medicine

DISCOVERY: Scientists Find Drug Metabolism in Intestines and Recycling in the Liver, in Mice

The liver is thought of as the critical organ for metabolizing drugs and botanicals. It’s true, however a team of University of Houston pharmaceutical researchers ...
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Omega-3 Rich Diet Reduces Migraine Pain & Medication Reliance

A balance of fatty acids could play a significant role in migraine and headache reduction. While diet is well known as a trigger for headaches, ...
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DISCOVERY: Diet and Lifestyle Study Shows Possible Reversal in Epigenetic Age in a Pilot Clinical Trial

A new study shows just how lifestyle changes and diet can slow the biological aging process and extend health span by three years. According to ...
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DHA and cancer risk

DISCOVERY: DHA May Slow Development of Tumors in Mouse Model

It’s known that the omega-3 fatty acids docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is crucial to brain function, vision and the regulation of inflammatory phenomena. It is also ...
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