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DISCOVERY: Diet and Lifestyle Study Shows Possible Reversal in Epigenetic Age in a Pilot Clinical Trial

A new study shows just how lifestyle changes and diet can slow the biological aging process and extend health span by three years. According to ...
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Autoimmune Disease

Clinical Commentary: Post-Viral COVID Long-Haul Treatment Mirrors Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Therapy

This interview with Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia (CFS/FMS) researcher and board-certified internist explores the commonalities among CFS/FMS and post-viral COVID (aka ...
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Cancer and Nutrition Study Series Reveals Diet and Nutrients for Prostate Heath

In North America alone, it is estimated that 224,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2020, according the US and Canadian Cancer Societies ...
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Hydrogen as a Tool in the Fight to Reduce Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Clinical studies suggest hydrogen may improve side effects of radiation and chemotherapy as clinicians work to reduce cancer treatment side effects. One area in which ...
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Commentary: One Third of Cancer Patients Use Complementary and Alternative Therapies, but Don’t Tell Their Physicians

As a recovered cancer patient, who used integrative treatment options during my care and do so today for recovery, I wasn’t surprised by a recent ...
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Pain Management

Chronic Pain and the Role of Integrative & Complementary Therapies

A recent chronic pain study showed that when integrative pain management solutions are applied to patients the cost saving can be as high as $1000 ...
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FDA Violates Core Principles in Removing Natural Agents from Compounding Pharmacists

The principle of using the least invasive methods first – a corollary of “first do no harm” – is central to integrative health and medicine. ...
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Secret to Longevity? Answer Could be Fisetin Flavonoid in Fruits & Vegetables

Previous research published earlier this year in Nature Medicine involving University of Minnesota Medical School faculty Paul D. Robbins and Laura J. Niedernhofer and Mayo ...
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Detox, Todays Practitioner

CASE STUDY: Nutritional Aspects of Detoxification in Clinical Practice

In this case study, John Cline, MD discusses the nutritional aspects of detoxification, a vital cellular task that, if lacking, can lead to early morbidity ...
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