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Men's Health

Pine-Bark Extract for Benign-prostate Hypertrophy in Men & Dysmenorrhea for Women

New science continues to show that pine-bark extract is a valuable dietary supplement for men and women’s health. A new study shows that pine-bark extract ...
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health risks of sitting
high intensity exercise

Two Myth Busting Studies: Health Risks of Sitting & the Benefits of Short-Burst High Intensity Exercise

In recent years, every major news outlet, and even medical journals, reported that the health risks of sitting at a desk for 8 hours were ...
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Endurance Exercise Improves the Gut Microbiome

According to recent research, endurance exercise improves the gut microbiome by beneficially modifying gut microbiota composition. This new study shows that after six weeks of ...
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7 Chronic Website Symptoms Hurting Your Integrative Practice: Addressing Root Causes

Today, over 85 percent of patients search online before booking a doctor’s appointment. If your website isn’t fully optimized to drive patient volume, you are ...
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Probiotic Strains May Modulate Brain Processing

Groundbreaking Genetics and Imaging Data: Never Before Seen Insights into Brain Structure and Function

Two major publications in the prestigious journal Nature this week focus on the way that UK Biobank genetics and imaging data are transforming health research. ...
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Therapeutic Advancements and Analytical Tools to Defy Age-Related Diseases, by Jeffrey Bland, PhD

In this column from Integrative Medicine, a Clinician’s Journal, by Jeffrey Bland, PhD, he discusses the latest therapeutic and analytical tools for age-related diseases. As ...
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genetic testing

New Support Tool Improves Genetic Testing Knowledge in Breast Cancer Patients

Awareness of genetic testing among newly diagnosed breast cancer patients is low, a new study finds. In this new study, published in the journal Cancer, ...
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Practice Management

Testimonials: How to Get Them. How to Promote Them

We live in the age of social proof, where the opinions of complete strangers can greatly impact our buying decisions. Why Testimonials are Essential Consumers ...
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Secret to Longevity? Answer Could be Fisetin Flavonoid in Fruits & Vegetables

Previous research published earlier this year in Nature Medicine involving University of Minnesota Medical School faculty Paul D. Robbins and Laura J. Niedernhofer and Mayo ...
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John Weeks

Inclusion Check-in: Are Integrative Practices in New Federal Opioid Legislation, National Academy, and FDA Activity?

One can easily count the chickens of non-pharmacological approaches highlighted in multiple organizational guidelines and state strategies related to pain and opioids. But one definitely ...
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