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medium chain triglycerides
ketogenic diets

The Effect of Medium Chain Triglycerides on Time to Nutritional Ketosis and Symptoms of Keto-Induction in Healthy Adults

In recent years, medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) have hit the pop-culture food world. From a morning bullet coffee to very-low carbohydrate ketogenic diets, MCTs have ...
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blood sugar dips and weight loss

The Role of Nutrition and the Gut-Brain Axis in Psychiatry: A Literature Review

Individuals suffering from psychiatric disorders experience high levels of illness burden and a significantly reduced quality of life. Despite targeted psychopharmacological strategies and complementary psychotherapeutic ...
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food additives
American Academy of Pediatrics

The American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement on Food Additives and Children’s Health

On July 19, 2018, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) issued a policy statement on and technical report on the dangers of direct and indirect ...
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Relaxation and Healthy Sleep
Allergy Research Group

Ancient Remedies of Chinese Medicine and from the Celts Support Relaxation and Healthy Sleep

In addition to popular botanicals and botanically-derived substances like ashwagandha and L-theanine, many other natural agents that support relaxation and healthy sleep also exist. As ...
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Probiotics, Mental and Neurological Health

A Comprehensive Summary— Probiotics, Mental and Neurological Health

This article on probiotics, mental and neurological health provides a literature review of the disease-specific probiotic strains studied in published clinical trials in humans and ...
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Ecological Barrier
gut brain axis

How to Select the Right Probiotic Strains for Patients with Brain and Mood Disorders

The following video is a primer on the basics of the microbiome, how to select the right probiotic strains and why your decision makes a ...
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nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
fatty liver disease

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Thyroid Function and Gut Health as Disease Risk Factors

With increasing rates of obesity and diabetes, the associated condition of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become increasingly common, such that it is now ...
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Newly Found Lymphatic System Connects Brain & Immunity

You can forget everything you learned in medical school about the lymphatic system (well, not everything). But researchers at the University of Virginia found undiscovered ...
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Organic dairy gets a healthy nod, more work ahead

By now you may have heard about a study from Washington State University that reports organic milk contains significantly higher concentrations of essential-fatty acids, compared ...
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Hypertension Guidelines
Cardiovascular Health

High Blood Pressure in Your 30s May Mean Dementia in Your 70s

A study published in JAMA Network Open finds that young people with high blood pressure tend to have worse brain health when they grow older. ...
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