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nitric oxide

Nitric Oxide in the Fight to Treat COVID-19

A number of research hospitals have begun to use nitric oxide as a therapeutic option for COVID-19. In a recent review, published by George Washington ...
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Botanical Medicine

Discovery: Caper Berry’s Quercetin Activates KCNQ Potassium Channel

For many years now, Amanda Archibald, RD, culinary genomics expert and author of The Genomic Kitchen, puts the caper berries at the top of her ...
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Neurological Disorders

New Vitamin K-based Drug Promising for Medication-Resistant Epilepsy

Could a vitamin-K based drug be the next discovery for treating medication resistant epilepsy? A new mouse model study from the The Journal of Medicinal ...
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blood biomarker for concussion

Blood Test May Predict Concussion Severity

Researchers have identified a blood biomarker that could measure concussion severity. A blood test may help researchers understand which people may take years to recover ...
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Hydrogen as a Tool in the Fight to Reduce Cancer Treatment Side Effects

Clinical studies suggest hydrogen may improve side effects of radiation and chemotherapy as clinicians work to reduce cancer treatment side effects. One area in which ...
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Multiple Sclerosis

Interview with Terry Wahls, MD on a New Study on Therapeutic Lifestyle for MS

Terry Wahls, MD has some exciting news. She has a new update of her book, The Wahls Protocol. And, very soon, a new study will ...
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Two Studies Show Lutein May Offer Cognitive and Mental Focus Benefits

In recent weeks, two new studies were published on the benefits of lutein for cognitive function and mental focus. In the first study, researchers explored ...
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Hydrogen as a Therapeutic Gas

Hydrogen as a Therapeutic Gas: The Science Behind the Bubble

Hydrogen may simultaneously be one of the most basic and broadly applicable therapies that exists. Having one proton and one electron, hydrogen is the simplest ...
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Hydrogen as a Novel Neuroprotectant

Hydrogen as a Novel Neuroprotectant

Because of its unique properties, one of the settings in which hydrogen (H2) has been extensively researched is central nervous system (CNS) disease. Due to ...
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Hydrogen Supports Healing of Metabolic Disease and its Consequences

Molecular hydrogen is a novel tool that also may be useful in the fight against metabolic disease and its consequences, each of which continue to ...
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