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Gut Microbiome

Does Akkermansia Hold the Key To Metabolic Health?

Our gut flora has a role in many internal processes, including regulating our immune system, influencing our mood and cognitive function through the gut-brain axis, ...
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Extra Magnesium May Help Prevent Dementia

An abundant mineral in the body that’s also naturally present in many foods, magnesium is a cofactor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate ...
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Carotenoid Combo Enhances Eye-Hand Coordination

Lutein, zeaxanthin, and astaxanthin are antioxidant carotenoids best known for their powerful eye-protective benefits. Now researchers believe this synergistic combo also helps improve eye-hand coordination ...
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Nutritional Medicine

Nutritional Medicine Resource Center The Significance of Silicon Naturally present in the human body, silicon is integral for optimal collagen production, supporting the health of ...
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Cognitive Function

Physical Activity Anytime During Adulthood Protects Cognition

Numerous studies show that regular physical activity helps ward off dementia and other neurological problems. Now a study in the Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery & ...
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Gut Microbiome

Spring Clean Your Microbiota: Trillions of Tiny Lives That Influence Your Health

Emerging research suggests that the microbiota influences many aspects of wellbeing, far beyond digestive and immune health. Nurturing these trillions of tiny lives requires a ...
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Sleep: Your Night Job

Any health news junkie can see that the importance of sleep has come to center stage. Our collective interest in this shut-eye time grew when studies ...
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Gut Microbiome

Research-Backed Ingredients to Support Mood Balance

Love Your Happy Place The human microbiota consists of trillions of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and others. The vast majority, around 70%, of ...
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Botanical Medicine

New Active Compounds in Lion’s Mane Enhance Brain Health & Memory

Lion’s mane (Hericium erinaceus) has been prized for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine for its brain- and health-boosting properties. Now researchers from The University of ...
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brain health

NAFLD Damages the Brain

Patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) have increased odds of depression, dementia, and other neurological conditions, according to a study in the Journal of ...
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