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Did Science Get It Wrong About Serotonin?

A major review, recently published in Molecular Psychiatry, is sending shock waves throughout the medical community. The big reveal is that serotonin may not be the cause of depression. Researchers from he University College of London (UCL) conducted an exhaustive overview of serotonin and depression. Their conclusion is that depression is notRead

Probiotics Boost Mood in People on Antidepressants

If any of your patients are taking antidepressants, make sure they are also supplementing with probiotics daily. According to a study in Translational Psychiatry, probiotic “add-on” therapy helps decrease depression among men and women on prescription antidepressants.  Study Details & Highlights For the 31-day study, performed on inpatients at the UniversityRead

Integrative Psychiatry Effective but Overlooked for Cancer Patients

Nearly three-quarters of cancer patients who have major depression are not currently receiving treatment for depression, and that a new integrated treatment programme is strikingly more effective at reducing depression and improving quality of life than current care, according to three papers published in The Lancet Psychiatry, The Lancet, and The Lancet Oncology. Lead author Professor Michael Sharpe from the University of Oxford in the UK, says “The huge benefit that DCPC delivers for patients with cancer and depression shows what we can achieve for patients if we take as much care with the treatment of their depression as we do with the treatment of their cancer.” By M Sharpe, et al., published in the Lancet and Lancet Oncology, Aug. 2014.

Bach Flower Therapy In The Treatment Of Chronic Major Depressive Disorder

Bach flower remedies are a unique form of energy medicine that has become increasingly popular among alternative healthcare professionals; they are classified as homeopathic remedies in the United States and are part of the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS). Discovered by the English physician Edward Bach during the 1930s, the 38 flower tinctures are believed to heal emotional…


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