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Integrative Health Must Lead on COVID and Immune Resiliency

HHS head, Alex Azar, had it right in suggesting to CNN’s Jake Tapper that the disproportionate amount of COVID-19 infections and deaths in the U.S. are largely attributable to the declining health and susceptibility of many Americans. Azar’s words: “Unfortunately, the American population is a very diverse… a population withRead

Growing Your List to Grow Your Practice

grow your practice

Whether you run an integrative or functional medicine practice, or market other services or products related to the field, building an email subscriber list is critical to grow your practice and to the health of your organization. The Gold is in The List Growing your ‘list’ grows your integrative healthRead

Out of Crisis Comes Opportunity. Will You Seize it?

You are sitting in your virtual boardroom, clinical space, or manufacturing plant, contemplating the future. In addition to us all doing our personal and professional best to lift our communities above crisis, we attend online sessions, keep up with a torrent of emails, and consider the troubling question about ourRead

Lifestyle Medicine and its Indisputable Foundation of Health and Access

Lifestyle Medicine

I’ve been professionally engaged with the integrative health and medicine field for the better part of a decade and, as a 28-year cancer ‘thriver’ of a so-called incurable malignancy, I’ve watched this movement up close and personal half my life. Through FON, I’ve consulted hundreds of clinics, businesses, and organizations;Read

9 Ways to Earn Your Patient’s Lifetime Value

lifetime value

I retract a previous post: building a subscriber list isn’t the foremost marketing tactic for growing an integrative medicine practice or brand. Unequivocally, that distinction belongs to securing customer loyalty, in turn, driving patient lifetime value. According to Wikipedia, customer lifetime value—what we’ll refer to as patient lifetime value (PLV)—predictsRead

[Case Study] Negotiating Your Career in Integrative Health and Medicine

career in integrative health

Managing a busy consultancy, I work on wide-ranging projects with a diverse collection of medical providers, administrators and small business owners. I always find working with mid-career physicians seeking to reposition their professional futures an especially rewarding assignment. Typically well-trained and board certified, these integrative, functional and lifestyle medicine practitioners possessRead

Patients Are Consumers: Ignoring that Fact is Futile

patients are consumers

In a recent Medscape editorial, noted bioethicist Art Caplan, PhD remarked on a published commentary by Hastings scholars in Health Affairs titled ‘Patient-Centered Care, Yes; Patients As Consumers, No’. Medscape followed up on the assertions in the published commentary by polling its physician and nurse readers for feedback—results strongly evidencedRead

No Magic Formula to Grow Your Integrative Health Practice: Start Here Instead

Grow Your Integrative Health Practice

Whether your business is a medical practice, a supplement company, pharmacy, technology platform, nonprofit organization, or provider of other goods or services, one thing holds true: there is no single, magic bullet formula to grow your integrative health practice or functional medicine enterprise. Word-of-mouth referrals and the activation of fanaticalRead


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