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Surprising Benefits of Navy Beans

Beans, beans, good for the…gut? They are. At least according to new research from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Their study, which involved incorporating navy beans into the diets of colorectal cancer (CRC) survivors found that these common legumes have the potential to positively impact both gutRead

Using Ayurvedic Herbs to Treat Stress

The ancient Indian healing system known as Ayurveda has been used for thousands of years to treat a wide variety of ailments. It relies on a holistic approach to health that incorporates diet, exercise, and lifestyle elements along with medicinal herbs and other natural remedies. Much of Ayurvedic healing isRead

New Evidence Against Artificial Sweeteners

Once touted as low-calorie substitutes that could help reduce incidence of diabetes and help people lose weight, artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose, and saccharine have come under more scrutiny in recent years. Concerns about their potential health risks have only been heightened based on data suggesting they do notRead

Breakthrough Use for Probiotics

At this point, we’re all familiar with the benefits of probiotics, especially for gut health. These beneficial bacteria help control harmful bacteria in our gastrointestinal tracts and maintain a healthy gut microbiome that promotes digestive health. Probiotics have additionally been found to be beneficial in the treatment of atopic dermatitisRead

More Bad News for Expectant Mothers

In April 2023, we highlighted a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showing that the majority of pregnant women fail to get adequate nutrition from their diets—and almost 99 percent of the prenatal supplements on the market fail to fill in the gaps. Now, new research fromRead

New Study: Omegas Impact on Those with Family History of Heart Disease

The health benefits of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) have been well documented. Studies have found that these beneficial fats—found in oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, and sardines—can help lower triglyceride levels, relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis, and may even help reduce risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease andRead

Stress Eating? What Does the Research Say?

We’re all familiar with stress eating. You feel the pressure getting to you and you reach for a “comfort” food—one that’s usually full of fat or sugar or both. Sure, you know these foods aren’t good for you, but they sure help take the edge off. Or do they? ScientistsRead


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