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Surviving Seasonal Allergies

As spring approaches, tree pollen counts soar–and so does the influx of patients with congestion, itching, sneezing and watery, irritated eyes. Inflammation plays a prominent role in the development and progression of those aggravating symptoms, and research suggests herbs, supplements and nutrients can modulate inflammation, stabilize mast cells, reduce histamineRead

Celiacs Have an Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

People who have celiac disease may face higher odds of developing cardiovascular disease — even though they often lack the “traditional” risk factors for heart disease such as hypertension, high body mass index, and high cholesterol, according to a study in BMJ Medicine.  Although mixed, some research has linked celiacRead

Severe Peanut Allergies Linked to Gut Reaction

A new study of 19 people who suffer from severe peanut allergies found an abundance of allergy-causing immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies in the gut, providing valuable insights into the mechanisms of severe allergies to peanuts and other foods, which together affect as much as six percent of the U.S. population.Read

Controversial Antibody Testing Accurately Predicts Sesame Allergies

sesame allergies

Investigators at the National Institutes of Health have found that sesame allergy is common among children with other food allergies, occurring in an estimated 17% of this population. In addition, the scientists have found that sesame antibody testing–whose utility has been controversial–accurately predicts whether a child with a food allergyRead


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