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Meal Timing & Cardiovascular Health

Adding to the body of knowledge regarding dietary patterns and cardiovascular disease (CVD), a cross-sectional study was recently published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, revealing an association between the timing of specific foods and CVD risk. Nearly 28,000 adults in the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 2003–2016,Read

Natural Support for Lipid Metabolism and Cardiovascular Health – White Paper

This detailed white paper explores how certain nutrients enhance lipid metabolism and boost cardiovascular health. Learn how specific nutrients, backed by loads of scientific research, work synergistically to maintain and improve cholesterol levels. As a healthcare professional, this white paper provides valuable information on how to navigate your patients’ cholesterolRead

Crafting a Comprehensive Cardiovascular Protocol

Seven science-backed interventions to tame inflammation, lower cholesterol, minimize cardiometabolic risk factors and support your patients’ heart health   Of all the disease and conditions practitioners face, cardiovascular health is one of the most complex and nuanced, influenced by factors ranging from gut health to genetics, an effective protocol requiresRead

Another Reason to Get Fit

It is well-known that being physically unfit at a young age is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease much later in life. But the mechanism behind this finding has never been fully understood. With that in mind, an international team led by researchers from Linköping University in SwedenRead


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