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Reader Question: At what age, what circumstances, presenting pathologies, and/or family history should one undergo genetic testing?

QUESTION:  At what age and what circumstances or presenting pathologies or family history with certain pathologies should one undergo genetic testing? For instance, let’s say a patient had a grandparent who had colitis and died in his 70s from an adenocarcinoma, but his parents did not have any colitis or intestinalRead

Patient Handout on Biochemical Individuality

biochemical individuality

The following is a free patient handout by John Neustadt, ND, and Steve Pieczenik, MD, PhD. Originally published in Integrative Medicine, a Clinicians Journal, this downloadable information sheet explains to patients how biochemical individuality refers to the unique nutritional needs each person has based on their genetics, lifestyle, and environmentalRead

Two Studies with Full Text Downloads on Genetic Variants and Their Health Associations


The following are studies with full text downloads that focus on genetic variants and how they affect serum concentrations of important nutrients, such as lycopene, selenium and others. A Common Variant in the SETD7 Gene Predicts Serum Lycopene Concentrations By Christopher R. D’Adamo, et al published in J. Nutrients, Feb.Read

Yerba Mate May be Beneficial for Obesity & Insulin Resistance

yerba mate and obesity

Yerba Mate, a dietary supplement and popular coffee and tea shop beverage, may be beneficial for improving diet-induced adiposity, insulin resistance, dyslipidemia, and hepatic steatosis. In the first animal study of its type, published in J. of Medicinal Food, researchers examined the effects and potential underlying mechanisms of long-term supplementationRead

Opioid Tapering Schedule Now Available for Practitioners

rheumatoid arthritis

The opioid epidemic, now considered a national emergency, touches all corners of our society. At a recent internal medicine conference in Estes Park Colorado, Sunny Linnebur, PharmD discussed how physicians will be increasingly required by state agencies to taper opioid use among patients with chronic pain. Linnebur, professor of clinicalRead

Culinary Nutrition Kitchens: Where the Docs Wear a Different Sort of White Coat

Primary care is shifting from solely the doctor’s office to culinary nutrition kitchens. Why? Health and wellness and even disease therapies are much more than prescription medicine. Among medical professionals who get this, hundreds of hospitals and clinics across the country have been adding teaching kitchens to their square footage.Read


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