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Ecological Barrier
gut brain axis

How to Select the Right Probiotic Strains for Patients with Brain and Mood Disorders

The following video is a primer on the basics of the microbiome, how to select the right probiotic strains and why your decision makes a ...
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neurobiology of stress
gut brain axis

The Neurobiology of Stress

At the 2016 Neurobiology of Stress Workshop in Newport Beach, CA, a group of experts presented the symposium The Microbiome: Development, Stress, and Disease, published ...
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sad mood
gut brain axis

Multi-species Probiotics Affect Reaction to Sad Mood

It is widely understood that the intestine and the brain are closely connected via the brain-gut axis, which is includes bidirectional communication through the neural, ...
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nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
fatty liver disease

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Thyroid Function and Gut Health as Disease Risk Factors

With increasing rates of obesity and diabetes, the associated condition of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become increasingly common, such that it is now ...
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Four Studies & HRT Position Paper from the North American Menopause Society Conference

At the annual meeting in October, 2017 of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) in Philadelphia, researchers presented a number of valuable studies for your ...
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abdominal pain
Gastrointestinal Health

Unique Probiotic Strain May Reduce Depression in IBS Patients

The role of probiotics for gastrointestinal conditions is well known, however a new study shows a specific strain of probiotics may also relieve symptoms of ...
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Integrative Medical News Update

This week we feature a round up of integrative medical news published in the last 30 days. Prebiotics Support Beneficial REM Sleep and Reduced Stress ...
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Proton Pump Inhibitors Associated with Increased Risk of Premature Death
CASI 2017

Clinical and Scientific Insights CASI: The Gut Microbiome Revolution

In this previous year Clinical and Scientific Insights CASI session, Dr. Mullin defines prebiotics and reviews their application in health and disease. He presents the ...
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abdominal pain
Eosinophilic esophagitis

CASE STUDY: Abdominal Pain & Eosinophilic Esophagitis

In this case study, by Dr Fitzgerald (published by content partner IMCJ), she describes a teen patient, age 16, with symptoms of acute abdominal pain. ...
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beta-carotene, Todays Practitioner

Personalized Nutrition and Metabolic Response

As you sit down to a dinner with family and friends you can learn a lot about the unique aspects of your tablemates’ metabolic response. ...
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