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ARG sexual health

DHEA as Support for Female Libido and Fertility

Clinical Studies Show the Usefulness of This Parent Hormone for Female Libido and Fertility Much like estrogen and testosterone, levels of DHEA and DHEA-S decrease ...
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Long-Term Cardiovascular and Heart Complications
Arterial Stiffness

Long-Term Cardiovascular and Heart Complications of COVID-19 in Younger Adults

Young healthy adults with mild COVID-19 symptoms may have an increased risk of cardiovascular and heart complications, and may continue for some time after infection. ...
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Cannabis for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Cannabis May Not Be Right for Everyone – and That’s Okay

It’s true that not all cannabis products are right for everyone and, therefore cannot be used to treat everyone in the same way. We all ...
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Sexual Health

Ashwagandha and Saffron: Key Tools for a New Era of Living

With Clinical Data for Mood, Stress, and Sexual Health, the Many Reasons to Consider Ashwaganda and Saffron  Each year, stress pretty much hits us all ...
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Autoimmune Disease

Clinical Commentary: Post-Viral COVID Long-Haul Treatment Mirrors Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Therapy

This interview with Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and fibromyalgia (CFS/FMS) researcher and board-certified internist explores the commonalities among CFS/FMS and post-viral COVID (aka ...
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Mind Body Medicine

Neuroimaging Explains Workings of Placebo Effect and Pain

A large proportion of the benefit that a person gets from taking a real drug or receiving a treatment to alleviate pain is due to ...
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Autoimmune Disease

DISCOVERY: Immune Defense Guidance System Identified

A new mice experimental study shows that at the kick off of the immune response, the molecule sphingosine 1 phosphate (S1P) mobilizes immune cells into ...
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Children's Health

Microbiome Discovery: You Are What You Eat … As a Child

Eating a poor diet as a child can alter one’s microbiome for life, even if one learns to eat healthier later in life, suggests a ...
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Four Recent Studies from Frontiers in Medicine on COVID-19

The following is a collection of recent research from the Frontiers in Medicine on COVID-19. Studies include medical plants and plant metabolites against the virus, ...
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Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments Reverse Cellular Aging Process

A study from Tel Aviv University (TAU) and the Shamir Medical Center in Israel indicates that hyperbaric oxygen treatments (HBOT) in healthy aging adults can ...
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