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Anti-Inflammatory Function of HDL Cholesterol
metabolic syndrome

Omegas May Play a Role in Correcting Lipoprotein Patterns in Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome (MetSyn) is a multifaceted combination of cardiovascular disease risk factors and co-morbidities that include abdominal obesity, elevated triglycerides, mildly elevated blood pressure and ...
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Jeff Bland

Jeffrey Bland PhD on Cardiogenomics, Omega-Fatty Acids and the Future of Personalized Medicine

In the attached article from Integrative Medicine, A Clinician’s Journal, Cardiology Meets Personalized Lifestyle Medicine, Jeffrey Bland, PhD says “this is an exciting time for ...
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coronary disease
Cardiovascular Health

A Retrospective Look at Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Coronary Disease

The commentary published on Today’s Practitioner from Jeffrey Bland PhD and Alex Vasquez, DO was met with widespread interest. In light of the response and ...
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fish oil
Omega-3 Resource Center

More Controversy and Challenges to 2018 JAMA Fish Oil Study

Negative opinions on the conclusions continue in response to a recent Journal of the American Heart Association study, Associations of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplement Use ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Statement from CRN’s Duffy MacKay, N.D. in the Value of Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Heart Health

In Jan. 2018, the Journal of the American Medical Association published a study, “Associations of Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplement Use With Cardiovascular Disease Risks.” The ...
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Patients Report 85% Pain Reduction with FDA Approved Migraine Medical Device

The Cefaly® Acute medical device, cleared by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) two months ago for the acute treatment of migraine with or ...
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Infrared Light Irradiation on Retinal Artery, Vein Blood Flow & Atherosclerosis-inducing Factors

In this small pilot study, published in Integrative Medicine Research (Dec. 2017), researchers evaluated the influence of pinpoint plantar long-wavelength infrared light irradiation (stress-free therapy; ...
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Dr Chris D'Adamo

Two Studies with Full Text Downloads on Genetic Variants and Their Health Associations

The following are studies with full text downloads that focus on genetic variants and how they affect serum concentrations of important nutrients, such as lycopene, ...
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Four Studies & HRT Position Paper from the North American Menopause Society Conference

At the annual meeting in October, 2017 of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) in Philadelphia, researchers presented a number of valuable studies for your ...
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Augusta University

Phylloquinone (K1) from Leafy Greens Linked to Cardiac Structure and Function

Seldom do you see a study with such disturbing results: teens predisposed to heart disease for not eating enough leafy greens. The Journal of Nutrition ...
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