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Allergy Research Group

The Day the Coffee Doesn’t Do It…Stress-balancing Action of Adaptogens

We’ve all been there at least once. Whether it be a list of deadlines, a high-stakes presentation the next day, early morning travel, or a ...
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fish oil and probiotics

Fish Oil and Probiotics Consumed During Pregnancy May Reduce Childhood Allergies

In one of the largest ever research reports that fish oil and probiotics consumed during pregnancy affects her baby's allergy and eczema risk, scientists from ...
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Cardiovascular Health

Diabetes is Five Different Diseases, Concludes a Lancet Study

Diabetes is five diseases, concludes a new study. By separating adult-onset diabetes cases into five different types, rather than just type 1 or type 2, ...
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rheumatoid arthritis

Clinical Combo Powerhouse: n-3 PUFA & ɤ-Linolenic Acid in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis

This study explores the combined effects of marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and ɤ-linolenic acid (GLA) as anti-inflammatory agents to help in the treatment ...
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nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
fatty liver disease

Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Thyroid Function and Gut Health as Disease Risk Factors

With increasing rates of obesity and diabetes, the associated condition of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) has become increasingly common, such that it is now ...
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MAP Bacteria in Milk and Beef May Be Associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis

Should your patients drink cow’s milk? Should they eat red meat? It’s a question that cannot always be answered with a categorical yes or no. ...
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blood protein

Cancer Blood Test, aka “Liquid Biopsy,” Promises Early Detection for Eight Cancers

Could a cancer blood test for eight cancers cost the same as a single cancer test? Yes, say researchers from Johns Hopkins. In a widely ...
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Cairn Consulting

Why I Made Genomic Testing a Foundation of My Practice

And … “Why genomic testing  seemed like a good idea at the time.” by Mary Louder, DO. Genomics, precision medicine, epigenomics …. Are they buzz ...
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Naturopathic Science Review on Anxiety Treatments

A Stress in America study (2015) revealed that a significant number of Americans are under a great deal of stress. Money and work top out ...
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Todays Practitioner

Harnessing the Butterfly Effect to Transform Healthcare

From protests to twitter rants, the topic of healthcare is top of mind for American citizens, politicians and providers. Despite differences in opinion, we are ...
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