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Genetics, Genomics and Personalized Medicine: using recent advances in genetic testing to personalize treatment protocols.

Of the many advances in modern medicine, few are as exciting and promising as those in the field of genetics and genomics. Emerging technology and understanding of genetic influences have the potential to transform health care, allowing for more precise diagnoses, earlier intervention and dramatically improved outcomes for patients. Genetics andRead

Cellular Senescence Offers Vital Clues for Healthy Aging

In the rapidly evolving field of longevity, emerging research on cellular senescence—a state of stable cell cycle arrest in which cells cease to replicate—offers vital clues for healthy aging. Though they stop multiplying, senescent cells linger and remain metabolically active, secreting chemicals that fuel inflammation and harm normal neighboring cells.Read

Skillful Lab Selection for Complex Gut-Brain Axis Issues

Diagnostic tests are a vital part of any practitioner’s protocol. A carefully curated set of labs can provide valuable information, pinpoint specific areas of dysfunction or imbalance, direct intervention and guide practitioners in personalized therapeutic approaches. That’s especially important for intricate gut-brain issues that can’t be effectively addressed from aRead


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