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Copper Deficiency May Be a Major Contributing Factor to Cardiovascular Disease

Nutrient deficiencies can be an important factor in cardiovascular health and disease. There has been growing evidence that copper deficiency as well as defective copper metabolism may be a major contributing factor to cardiovascular disease. Copper and Enzymes From an article from Healthline: At least 12 enzymes exist in theRead

When antihypertensive drugs lose efficacy, rule out interactions with dietary supplements

Anticipating possible interactions between drugs and dietary supplements is a challenging area of integrative practice.  When we think about interactions, we tend to envision risks associated with amplification of drug levels or adverse effects.  However, some interactions reduce drug efficacy. Of these, pharmacokinetic interactions are the hardest to predict andRead

Celiacs Have an Increased Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

People who have celiac disease may face higher odds of developing cardiovascular disease — even though they often lack the “traditional” risk factors for heart disease such as hypertension, high body mass index, and high cholesterol, according to a study in BMJ Medicine.  Although mixed, some research has linked celiacRead


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