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Video with Tieraona Low Dog M.D., Herbal Bitters versus Digestive Enzymes

In this Q&A and video, Dr. Tieraona Low Dog outlines the uses and clinical protocols for herbal bitters versus digestive enzymes. Q: “When would you use an herbal bitters versus digestive enzymes?”  TLD: “It’s a good question, and one that requires some thoughtful consideration.” “Herbal bitters are herbs that primeRead

Combination Therapy Including Digestive Enzymes Improves Clinical Outcomes for IBS

Proton Pump Inhibitors Associated with Increased Risk of Premature Death

This Italian study, published in the European Review for Medical and Pharmacological Sciences, evaluated the efficacy of a mixture of beta-glucan, inositol and digestive enzymes in improving gastrointestinal symptoms in patients affected by inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Digestive Enzyme Study Patients and Methods The study was conductedRead

Webinar: GERD Management Update with Dr. Low Dog

Tieraona Low Dog, M.D. discusses the increasing incidence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, GERD. This in-depth webinar takes a closer look at causes, symptoms, complications, and medications that are commonly used to treat the condition, with a focus on Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs). Many patients who rely on PPIs are notRead

SPECIAL REPORT: Why Americans are Pushing for Alternatives to PPIs

Proton Pump Inhibitors Associated with Increased Risk of Premature Death

By Kimberly Lord Stewart Patients and physicians are getting heartburn on how best to treat digestive health issues. Though the use proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) has dramatically risen in the last decade, opinions are quickly changing on how to best treat digestive disorders like heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).Read

Q&A: Celiac Disease Blood Test

  Dear Today’s Practitioner, “I’m confused about your article on Celiac disease or at least the first paragraph before the article in your newsletter (New ELISA/ELISPOT Blood Test for Celiac). The FDA approved a blood test for celiac disease back in 2004 (by Immco Diagnostics off the top of myRead


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