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Case Report: Whole Foods Diet for Livedoid Vasculopathy

A whole foods, plant based diet may ease the painful skin blistering and scarring of livedoid vasculopathy, a baffling blood vessel disorder for which there is as yet no commonly accepted cure, and no known cause, suggest doctors in the journal BMJ Case Reports. The primary symptoms of livedoid vasculopathyRead

New Device Assists Practitioners with COVID-19 Virtual Skin Rash Diagnoses

skin rash

The American Academy of Dermatology recently announced a possible correlation between COVID-19 and skin rashes. There is now a way for practitioners to get diagnostic opinions from licensed dermatologists using their phones. The free service, is anonymous and has collected more than 300,000 images of skin ailments which allowsRead

Compound Found in Essential Oils of Lavender, Rosemary and Ylang Ylang may Improve Wound Healing

Indiana University researchers have discovered that a chemical compound found in essential oils improves the healing process in mice when it is topically applied to a skin wound – a finding that could lead to improved treatments for skin injuries in humans. IU scientists also reported that skin tissue treatedRead


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