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Nutritional Medicine

Resource Center

Vitamin D Supplements May Reduce Risk of Cardiovascular Events

Australian researchers, writing in The BMJ, found that people who took vitamin D supplements had a lower risk of cardiovascular events, including myocardial infarction and stroke.

Copper Deficiency May Be a Major Contributing Factor to Cardiovascular Disease

Nutrient deficiencies can be an important factor in cardiovascular health and disease. There has been growing evidence that copper deficiency ...

Taurine, Exercise & Adipose Tissue

A 2020, randomized, double-blind trial has shown that taurine supplementation associated with chronic exercise may increase mitochondrial activity and fatty acid ...

Allergy Season Survival Guide: Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips

Nothing feels better in springtime than throwing open the windows and breathing in the fresh air, but that simple pleasure ...

Melatonin May Aggravate Bowel Inflammation

A study published in Microorganisms shows that the popular sleep aid can worsen inflammation of the intestine and impair the action of gut microbiota.

The Fertility Diet: Foods and Supplements That Support Fertility

A healthy diet is important throughout the lifecycle. For women of childbearing age, optimizing nutrition supports reproductive health and can significantly improve their chances of ...

Vitamin D Helps Allergic Asthma

A study published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that children and adults who took vitamin D had less severe allergy symptoms. ...

Collagen, a better framework than calcium alone

By Kathy Lund It’s been said that graceful aging is about being flexible. One’s ability to respond mentally and physically ...

Research Backed Ingredients to Support Mood and Health

The Mindful Microbiota Trillions of microorganisms—bacteria, viruses, fungi, and others—create the microbiota. The vast majority, around 70%, of these bugs ...

Study Finds that Majority of Prenatal Supplements Fall Short

A study in the April 2023 issue of The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that 99 percent of prenatal supplements don’t provide adequate doses ...

The Treatment Protocol I Used to Lower My BP: A Personal Case Report by Robert Lamberton, BSc, FNTP

Recently I decided to check my blood pressure which I had not done for a while. My BP has always ...


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