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mood and the microbiome
Gut mcirobiome

The Gut-Brain Axis: Influence of Microbiota on Mood and Mental Health, with Jeremy Appleton, ND

In this commentary, published in Integrative Medicine, A Clinician’s Journal, by Jeremy Appleton, ND, he explains the gut-brain axis and its bidirectional communication network that ...
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Cannabidiol as an antioxidant

Is Cannabidiol the Next Clinical Antioxidant?

Emerging research shows that cannabidiol holds unique properties as an antioxidant. In the scientific summary, we profile two studies that review the potential of non-psychotropic ...
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Mind Body Medicine

Transcendental Meditation May Reduce the Severity of PTSD Symptoms

As the Veterans Administration continues to delve into the benefits of integrative medicine for pain and post-traumatic-stress disorder (PTSD), this new study shows that transcendental ...
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Probiotic Strains May Modulate Brain Processing

Groundbreaking Genetics and Imaging Data: Never Before Seen Insights into Brain Structure and Function

Two major publications in the prestigious journal Nature this week focus on the way that UK Biobank genetics and imaging data are transforming health research. ...
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blood sugar dips and weight loss

The Role of Nutrition and the Gut-Brain Axis in Psychiatry: A Literature Review

Individuals suffering from psychiatric disorders experience high levels of illness burden and a significantly reduced quality of life. Despite targeted psychopharmacological strategies and complementary psychotherapeutic ...
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cytokines and inflammation
Allergy Research Group

How Cytokines and Inflammation Relate to Sleep (Napping Encouraged!)

In this article we explore the science behind how cytokines and inflammation relate to sleep. So many individuals experience a lack of sleep in overall ...
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sedatives and sleep
antihistamines and sleep

Stimulants and Sedatives: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Stimulants and sedatives, they are a push-pull solution to our stress-packed world that are nothing but trouble. In our go-go-go world, we see not only ...
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Relaxation and Healthy Sleep
Allergy Research Group

Ancient Remedies of Chinese Medicine and from the Celts Support Relaxation and Healthy Sleep

In addition to popular botanicals and botanically-derived substances like ashwagandha and L-theanine, many other natural agents that support relaxation and healthy sleep also exist. As ...
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Insomnia and Disrupted Sleep
Allergy Research Group

Melatonin: Coping with the Difficulties of Insomnia and Disrupted Sleep

Many a time in life when stress hormones are flying, our patients experience the unfortunate experience of insomnia and disrputed sleep. The experience of insomnia ...
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Interview with Jeffrey Chen, MD and Raphael Mechoulan, PhD on Endocannabinoids

This video, Jeffrey Chen, MD, the Director of the UCLA Cannabis Research Initiative, is the best explanation of the mechanisms and action potential of endocannabinoids ...
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