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Infrared Light Irradiation on Retinal Artery, Vein Blood Flow & Atherosclerosis-inducing Factors

In this small pilot study, published in Integrative Medicine Research (Dec. 2017), researchers evaluated the influence of pinpoint plantar long-wavelength infrared light irradiation (stress-free therapy; ...
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Bernie Siegel
Bernie Siegel MD

Practicing Belief and Hope with Our Words, by Bernie Siegel, M.D.

Many years ago, one of our children brought home a canvas he decorated in his school art class. He filled the entire canvas with the ...
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Doctor patient communication
Patient Adherance

Can You Hear Me Now? Improving Practitioner-Patient Communication

One of the most useful tools in your medical kit isn’t the latest pharmaceutical, supplement or integrative therapy, it’s patient communication. A recent small study ...
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Culinary Nutrition

Culinary Nutrition Kitchens: Where the Docs Wear a Different Sort of White Coat

Primary care is shifting from solely the doctor’s office to culinary nutrition kitchens. Why? Health and wellness and even disease therapies are much more than ...
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Genoma International

Podcast: Ending the Confusion Between Genetics and Genomics

The era of genomic medicine has reached a tipping point.  Thousands of healthcare professionals in the US and around the world are using the concepts ...
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Cognitive Health

Potential Inhibition of Cognitive Decline with B Vitamins & Omega-3s

This article, provided by our content partner Global Organization for EPA and DHA (GOED), discusses a previously unknown association related to the possible inhibition of ...
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Duke University

PART I Integrative Leadership: An Embodied Practice

by Lori Knutson, RN, BSN / Integrative leadership is becoming a social imperative, especially when you consider the elements of Integrative Leadership in the following ...
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Aspirin Reduces Cervical Cancer Risk by 47%

Frequent intake of aspirin may cut cervical cancer risk by half, according to a study led by researchers at Roswell Park Cancer Institute (RPCI). Frequent ...
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Alkaline Diet

Research Review for Dietary Acid Load

The concept of alkaline balance and diet has been known for some years with limited wide-scale practice. Recent studies show that acid-base balance in the ...
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postpartum depression
Children's Health

Doctors Teaching Parents Baby Talk for Early Childhood Development

OP/ED I was recently in a YMCA board meeting with visiting guests from our local school board. The topic was early childhood development and narrowing ...
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