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Chronic Disease

Low Testosterone Levels Pose Disease Risk for Men of All Ages

It is well known that male testosterone levels decline with age, which can lead to sarcopenia, osteopenia and an increase in chronic disease risk, such ...
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brain health

A Study Review: What Every Clinician Needs to Know About Brain Health and Omega-3s

By Sally Lynch, from Biotics Research / Not long ago, we seemed to accept the notion that humans only use 10% of their brains, as ...
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Medical Cannabis for Parkinson's

Effectiveness of Medical Cannabis for Parkinson’s Disease

Current treatments of Parkinson disease (PD) and parkinsonism still provide suboptimal effects, especially regarding the patients’ quality of life. This has led to the search ...
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Four Studies & HRT Position Paper from the North American Menopause Society Conference

At the annual meeting in October, 2017 of the North American Menopause Society (NAMS) in Philadelphia, researchers presented a number of valuable studies for your ...
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interdisciplinary pediatric pain rehabilitation
Barbara Bruce PhD L.P. Mayo Clinic

Interdisciplinary Pediatric Pain Rehabilitation Study

Chronic and severe pain affects from 25% to 37% of children and adolescents, which can lead to pain-related disabilities, increased school absences, avoidance of social ...
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Why the New York Times Got It Wrong about Vitamin D

Recently, a New York Times (NYT) article, Why are So Many People Popping Vitamin D?, suggested that taking vitamin D is a waste of time ...
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Genoma International

Podcast: Ending the Confusion Between Genetics and Genomics

The era of genomic medicine has reached a tipping point.  Thousands of healthcare professionals in the US and around the world are using the concepts ...
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Cognitive Health

Potential Inhibition of Cognitive Decline with B Vitamins & Omega-3s

This article, provided by our content partner Global Organization for EPA and DHA (GOED), discusses a previously unknown association related to the possible inhibition of ...
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Duke University

Health System Values & Organizational Readiness in Healthcare

By Lori Knutson, RN, BSN, HNB-BC / Our healthcare system is shifting focus—first, to reward delivery of care across a wider continuum of settings and ...
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Men’s Health Sheds Fills Health Gender Gap

Marriage is good for men's health, according the the latest National Health Interview Survey. It's not surprising that spouses encourage men to see the doctor ...
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